Educating Hearts, Inspiring Minds
through music and play-based programs
Make social-emotional learning a priority in your classroom, school, and district by becoming a member of the IM4U community.
Friendship Basics
This 8-week teacher and curricular resource helps children explore and experience healthy behaviors and develop their unique identity as they learn foundational skills. The daily and weekly lessons help teachers connect these concepts to real-time applications in the classroom, while also extending the framework for families to apply in the home.
Be a Friend to Yourself and Others
Include and Share
Diversity and Respect
Speak Up and Listen
Let’s Talk Feelings
Growth Mindset
Start your membership today!
Membership Levels:

Preview Programs
Free access, 21 days, week 1 includes week at a glance plus program for M-F including:
- Goals & objectives
- Materials
- Resources
- Teacher prep
- Teacher tips
- Email newsletter for families.

Our social-emotional learning program offers weekly programs that include:
- Daily goals & objectives
- Materials
- Resources
- Teacher prep
- Teacher tips
- Plus 8 weeks of tools for families to encourage engagement at home too!

Help your educators support children in their social emotional learning journey.
Our program includes:
- Fun music, videos, puppet skits
- Cooperative games
- Educator prep materials
- Learning through creative play
- Family Communication Templates
- Data & Reporting

Pilot Program Now Open!
Educators can engage and collaborate in social-emotional learning programs across your school system.
Our multi-school membership includes everything from our teacher and school programs plus:
- Training opportunities
- Professional Development
- Customization
- Data and usage reporting across your system